aku rase, everyone akan rase this feeling even once. i bet u've felt this. so do i. kite sume manusia biasa ryte? ta penah lepas dri sgala mslh. it depends on how u handle the probs. & aku..mmg seorg yg sgt suka lari dri mslh. tak bagus ryte? but aite now, im trying to solve my own probs & tak lari lg. but then, still gak lari. bile bnde uh buat aku cam looser gilaa..
i've some probs lately. act, bende neh takyah kot nk share kat sini. coz aku nk jg nama baik die. but, ape yg die buat kat aku last nite, mmg aku takle trime. aku sgt2 dissapointed dgn ape yg die buat. im sick of this. memula mcm nak cite, tapi xde mood nak cite. so, takya nak cite. juz..nak ckp yg aku sgt kecewa & tawar hati ngan perbuatan kau tuhh. i mean it la wehh.
thanx la buat aku cmnih ann. kau terbaikk !! huhhh!!! i hate thiss!!
gadis yg sakit hati,
2 pencinta coklat:
your word 2......
ingt kte2 ayh.....
yeaaa. baekkk. :))
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