
Thursday, May 13, 2010

cerita tentang MALARIA *kinda bored entry :) *

i went to DE PALMA HOTEL last saturday fer the taklimat & registeration of SEGi college. so, there's 2 paper i need to fill up. 1 paper is bout my biodata. the other one is kinda quick test laa. thre's lotsa Q . hadoyy! its asking bout bout my positive&negative attitude, then it asking bout some diseases. one of 'em is MALARIA. i didn't answer the quiz yet. so, i need to search what malaria is. *kang salah jawab, buat malu jerp* so, lets find out :


Malaria is an infectious disease caused by a parasite, Plasmodium , which infects red blood cells. Malaria is characterized by cycles of chills, fever, pain and sweating. Historical records suggest malaria has infected humans since the beginning of mankind.
*mostly in Amerika, Asia & Afrika*

What are the signs and symptoms of malaria?

The symptoms characteristic of malaria include flu-like illness with fever, chills, muscle aches, and headache. Some patients develop nausea, vomi

tting, cough, and diarrhea. Cycles

of chills, fever, and sweating that repeat every one, two, or three days are typical. There can sometimes be vomiting, diarrhea, coughing, and yellowing (jaundice) of the skin and whites of the eyes due to destruction of red blood cells and liver cells.

Pencegahan Malaria ?

Pencegahan penyakit malaria dapat dilakukan dengan Pembersihan Sarang Nyamuk (PSN), berusaha menghindarkan diri dari gigitan nyamuk, atau upaya pencegahan dengan pemberian obat Chloroquine bila mengunjungi daerah endemik malaria.

Penggolongan Manifestasi Malaria ?

Ada beberapa bentuk manifestasi penyakit malaria, antara lain :
- Malaria tertiana, disebabkan oleh Plasmodium vivax, dimana penderita merasakan demam muncul setiap hari ketiga.
- Malaria quartana, disebabkan oleh Plasmodium malariae, penderita merasakan demam setiap hari keempat.
- Malaria serebral, disebabkan oleh Plasmodium falciparum, penderita mengalami demam tidak teratur dengan disertai gejala terserangnya bagian otak, bahkan memasuki fase koma dan kematian yang mendadak.
- Malaria pernisiosa, disebabkan oleh Plasmodium vivax, gejala dapat timbul sangat mendadak, sprti Stroke , koma disertai gejala malaria yang berat.

woah! bile bace all the symptoms, aku rase macam aku kene malaria ouhh. coz flu ade. demam ade. batuk ade. cirit birit ade. pening pale ade. sakit2 badan ade. berpeloh-peloh pon ade jugak. huwaa~ takot laa. kene buat medical check up cpat2 nmpknyerh. hurm! harap2 semua ni juz demam biase. :((

gadis yg sdg risau,


2 pencinta coklat:

h!d[@]yah said... [Reply]

time nielah sebok mencari itu ini..

AfiqahZ said... [Reply]

dayah : taw xpe :P